On 7/16/07, Michal Piotrowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Paolo,

Hi Michal,

On 16/07/07, Paolo Ciarrocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm the author of the document "Introduction to Linux Kernel
> Development Process" hosted at
> http://linux.tar.bz/articles/2.6-development_process.
> Part of the document has been included in Documentation/HOWTO
> The sentence "Process continues until the kernel is considered "ready"
> " should probably be changed in order to reflect the usage of the
> "regression list" that Adrian and then Michal were used to maintain.
> Is there a "stable" place were users can read/comment/modify the list?

This address should be widely known ;)

Yeah, thanks! I was under the (wrong) impression that the link was not "static".

"Tutto cio' che merita di essere fatto,merita di essere fatto bene"
Philip Stanhope IV conte di Chesterfield
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