Mikulas Patocka wrote:

> > Oh, and try to eat atomic memory by ping -f kORBit-ized box.
> When linux is out of atomic memory, it will die anyway.

Only if you subscribe to the "we don't need to handle exceptions or check return
values" programmers guild...i.e. lazy error prone coders.

I tend to run out of memory a lot and Linux is handling things pretty well.  I
must say, I haven't had a memory pressure kill my machine in oh...six months?
...when the new VM went in and there were bugs to be worked out.

Programmers who write like this..or should I say "scripters"...are the bane of
good clean code.  They're the ones that write bloated apps, the ones where their
cgi leaves 4,000,000 junk cookies behind...in one directory, that chews up 40
megs of memory in their .pl shopping cart so a customer can order one widget...



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