Tong Li wrote:
On Fri, 27 Jul 2007, Chris Snook wrote:

Bill Huey (hui) wrote:
You have to consider the target for this kind of code. There are applications where you need something that falls within a constant error bound. According to the numbers, the current CFS rebalancing logic doesn't achieve that to any degree of rigor. So CFS is ok for SCHED_OTHER, but not for anything more
strict than that.

I've said from the beginning that I think that anyone who desperately needs perfect fairness should be explicitly enforcing it with the aid of realtime priorities. The problem is that configuring and tuning a realtime application is a pain, and people want to be able to approximate this behavior without doing a whole lot of dirty work themselves. I believe that CFS can and should be enhanced to ensure SMP-fairness over potentially short, user-configurable intervals, even for SCHED_OTHER. I do not, however, believe that we should take it to the extreme of wasting CPU cycles on migrations that will not improve performance for *any* task, just to avoid letting some tasks get ahead of others. We should be as fair as possible but no fairer. If we've already made it as fair as possible, we should account for the margin of error and correct for it the next time we rebalance. We should not burn the surplus just to get rid of it.

Proportional-share scheduling actually has one of its roots in real-time and having a p-fair scheduler is essential for real-time apps (soft real-time).

Sounds like another scheduler class might be in order. I find CFS to be fair enough for most purposes. If the code that gives us near-perfect fairness at the expense of efficiency only runs when tasks have been given boosted priority by a privileged user, and only on the CPUs that have such tasks queued on them, the run time overhead and code complexity become much smaller concerns.

On a non-NUMA box with single-socket, non-SMT processors, a constant error bound is fine. Once we add SMT, go multi-core, go NUMA, and add inter-chassis interconnects on top of that, we need to multiply this error bound at each stage in the hierarchy, or else we'll end up wasting CPU cycles on migrations that actually hurt the processes they're supposed to be helping, and hurt everyone else even more. I believe we should enforce an error bound that is proportional to migration cost.

I think we are actually in agreement. When I say constant bound, it can certainly be a constant that's determined based on inputs from the memory hierarchy. The point is that it needs to be a constant independent of things like # of tasks.


But this patch is only relevant to SCHED_OTHER. The realtime scheduler doesn't have a concept of fairness, just priorities. That why each realtime priority level has its own separate runqueue. Realtime schedulers are supposed to be dumb as a post, so they cannot heuristically decide to do anything other than precisely what you configured them to do, and so they don't get in the way when you're context switching a million times a second.

Are you referring to hard real-time? As I said, an infrastructure that enables p-fair scheduling, EDF, or things alike is the foundation for real-time. I designed DWRR, however, with a target of non-RT apps, although I was hoping the research results might be applicable to RT.

I'm referring to the static priority SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR schedulers, which are (intentionally) dumb as a post, allowing userspace to manage CPU time explicitly. Proportionally fair scheduling is a cool capability, but not a design goal of those schedulers.

        -- Chris
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