Linus Torvalds wrote on Thu, Jan 10, 2019:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 4:25 AM Dominique Martinet
> <> wrote:
> > Linus Torvalds wrote on Thu, Jan 10, 2019:
> > > (Except, of course, if somebody actually notices outside of tests.
> > > Which may well happen and just force us to revert that commit. But
> > > that's a separate issue entirely).
> >
> > Both Dave and I pointed at a couple of utilities that break with
> > this. nocache can arguably work with the new behaviour but will behave
> > differently; vmtouch on the other hand is no longer able to display
> > what's in cache or not - people use that for example to "warm up" a
> > container in page cache based on how it appears after it had been
> > running for a while is a pretty valid usecase to me.
> So honestly, the main reason I'm loath to revert is that yes, we know
> of theoretical differences, but they seem to all be
> performance-related.

I don't see what other use mincore could have, yes - even the
"debugging" use I gave is performance investigations and not hard
problems (and I probably would go straight to perf nowadays, you'd get
the info that the program doesn't use cache from the call graphs)

> It would be really good to hear numbers. Is the warm-up optimization
> something that changes things from 3ms to 3.5ms? Or does it change
> things from 3ms to half a second?

This is heavily workload and storage hardware dependant, so hard to give
some absolute value.

Trying with some big server, fast SSD, mysql and doing:
 # echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
 # (optional) prefetch table and innodb files
 # systemctl restart mariadb
 # time mysql -q db "select * from mytable where id in $ENTRIES" > /dev/null
 # time mysql -q db "select * from mytable where id in $ENTRIES2" > /dev/null
 # time mysql -q db "select * from mytable where id in $ENTRIES3" > /dev/null
(where ENTRIES* are lists of 1000 id, and id is indexed; the table is 8GB
for 62590661 entries so 1000 entries is approx 128KB of data out of that

I get on average over a few queries approximately a real time of 350ms,
230ms and 220ms immediately after drop cache and service restart, and
150ms, 60ms and 60ms after a prefetch (hand-wavy average over 3 runs, I
didn't have the patience to do proper testing).
(In both cases, user/sys are less than 10ms; I don't see much difference

If I restart the service without dropping caches and redo the query I
get 60ms from the first query onwards so I must not be preloading
everything properly, some real script that would look all over a
container to properly restore the page cache would do better than me
blindly preloading a few files.

Either way, we're talking about a factor of 2-3 until the application has
been looking at most of the entries, and I didn't try to see how that
would look like on spinning disks or the kind of slow storage one would
get on VPS somewhere in the cloud - I'm sure someone with time to waste
could get much more impressive figures, but this already look pretty
worthwhile to me.

Dominique Martinet | Asmadeus

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