Kristen Carlson Accardi wrote:
>> I don't think the interface you're suggesting is a good one.  Do you?
> I think if it's applicable to SCSI at all it is fine.  If it is not, then
> I think we need to make do with the interface we are given.  I do not think
> we should hold up a feature for libata sysfs integration.

Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree here and leave the
decision to James and Jeff.

>>> I can assert that I think ALPM is a good idea,
>>> because I've never had a report of it causing problems.  Windows has 
>>> been using this feature for a very long time - and you have to admit that
>>> they have a pretty large market share.  Nobody is complaining about ALPM
>>> increasing device malfunction, so unless you have proof it seems insane
>>> to nak due to this. 
>> Is ALPM enabled by default?  How do they deal with the performance
>> degradation?
> I believe so, but I'm obviously not privvy to their implementation details.

It would be *really* great if we can find more about how they do it.
How and when it's enabled and on which systems.  Is it possible to find
this out?

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