On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 07:25:18PM -0500, John Covici wrote:
> Excuse my ignorance, but what is cipe?

CIPE = Crypto IP Encapsulation.

Some version of cipe is in the kerneli patches:

I'd recommend using FreeS/WAN, though as it's a standardized solution,
even offering interoperability with other OSes.

> Also, I received a comment that all I had to do was enable gre
> tunneling, is this correct?

This does not give you the P from VPN.

Kurt Garloff  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                          Eindhoven, NL
GPG key: See mail header, key servers         Linux kernel development
SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, FRG                               SCSI, Security

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