On Wed, 22 Aug 2007, Theodore Tso wrote:

> community.  This was especially true the first year before the TAB was
> elected; but even after we held an election at last year's KS, I think
> it's fair to say that while we try to advise the OSDL and now the LF
> with what the community would like, the only person that we can really
> represent is ourselves.   

Perhaps I'm missing something, but this seems a little odd.

If I understand correctly: with the stated goal of addressing cronyism, a 
mechanism is implemented where only people who are selected by a committee 
or who pay are able to vote, in an election for candidates who only 
represent themselves, and where the vast majority of the community is 
excluded from voting.

The TAB is described on the LF site as:

 "The Technical Advisory Board (TAB) provides the Linux kernel community a 
  direct voice into The Linux Foundation's activities..."

which certainly suggests to me a representative role on behalf of the 

- James 
James Morris 
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