Mikhail Gavrilov <mikhail.v.gavri...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 at 06:37, huang ying <huang.ying.cari...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to reproduce this bug.  Can you give me some information
>> about your test case?
> It not easy, but I try to explain:
> 1. I have the system with 32Gb RAM, 64GB swap and after boot, I always
> launch follow applications:
>     a. Google Chrome dev channel
>         Note: here you should have 3 windows full of tabs on my
> monitor 118 tabs in each window.
>         Don't worry modern Chrome browser is wise and load tabs only on 
> demand.
>         We will use this feature later (on the last step).
>     b. Firefox Nightly ASAN this build with enabled address sanitizer.
>     c. Virtual Machine Manager (virt-manager) and start a virtual
> machine with Windows 10 (2048 MiB RAM allocated)
>     d. Evolution
>     e. Steam client
>     f. Telegram client
>     g. DeadBeef music player
> After all launched applications 15GB RAM should be allocated.
> 2. This step the most difficult, because we should by using Firefox
> allocated 27-28GB RAM.
>     I use the infinite scroll on sites Facebook, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr
> and open many tabs in Firefox as I could.
>     Note: our goal is 27-28GB allocated RAM in the system.
> 3. When we hit our goal in the second step now go to Google Chrome and
> click as fast as you can on all unloaded tabs.
>     As usual, after 60 tabs this issue usually happens. 100%
> reproducible for me.
> Of course, I tried to simplify my workflow case by using stress-ng but
> without success.
> I hope it will help to make autotests.

Yes.  This is quite complex.  Is the transparent huge page enabled in
your system?  You can check the output of

$ cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

And, whether is the swap device you use a SSD or NVMe disk (not HDD)?

Best Regards,
Huang, Ying

> --
> Best Regards,
> Mike Gavrilov.

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