Andries E. Brouwer wrote:
Today I got a CD. MacOS does not mount it and Linux does not
mount it without an explicit filesystemtype option.
That is,
        # mount /dev/hdc /dir -t iso9660
works fine, but
        # mount /dev/hdc /dir
        mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/hdc
               I will try type udf
        mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
               missing codepage or other error
               In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
               dmesg | tail  or so
        # dmesg | tail
        UDF-fs INFO UDF (2004/29/09) Mounting volume 'Wisk1956-82', 
timestamp 2006/03/07 16:26 (1078)
        udf: udf_read_inode(ino 547) failed !bh
        UDF-fs: Error in udf_iget, block=1, partition=1

What does the line for hdc show in /etc/fstab? Mount tries whichever filesystem(s) is/are listed there if you omit -t. My guess is that it only lists udf and this is a cd so it contains iso9660, not udf.

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