Nathan Scott wrote:
> On Jan 5,  3:26am, Daniel Phillips wrote:
> > ...
> > This filesystem mount option parsing code is completely ad hoc, and uses
> > strtok which is horribly horribly broken.  (Do man strtok and read the
> > 'Bugs' section.)
> >
> > It would be worth thinking about how to do this better.
> hmm ... can't claim I wrote this code, just looked at it.
> are you saying the kernel strtok is horribly broken or just
> the way its being used here?  (and why?)

>From the man page:

BUGS        Never use this function. If you do, note that:  
            This function modifies its first argument.  
            The identity of the delimiting character is lost.  
            This functions cannot be used on constant  strings.  
            The  strtok  () function uses a static buffer while
            parsing, so it's not thread safe. Use  strtok_r  ()
            if this matters to
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