
Thomas Bogendoerfer wrote:
> Most of the SN/SN0 header files are inherited from IRIX header files,
> but not all of that stuff is useful for Linux. Remove not used parts.

Series applied to mips-next.

> MIPS: SGI-IP27: remove not used stuff inherited from IRIX
>   commit 46a73e9e6ccc
>   https://git.kernel.org/mips/c/46a73e9e6ccc
>   Signed-off-by: Thomas Bogendoerfer <tbogendoer...@suse.de>
>   Signed-off-by: Paul Burton <paul.bur...@mips.com>
> MIPS: SGI-IP27: get rid of compact node ids
>   commit 4bf841ebf17a
>   https://git.kernel.org/mips/c/4bf841ebf17a
>   Signed-off-by: Thomas Bogendoerfer <tbogendoer...@suse.de>
>   Signed-off-by: Paul Burton <paul.bur...@mips.com>


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