I'd like to know (I know, I'm being slightly off topic, while still
staying on topic, so I'm on topic...er...yes) if there is any
advantage, be it memory-wise or architectuarally wise, to use modules?

I already know the obvious points of if you are creating a distro that
it is usually good to make a very modular kernel for those wishing not
to recompile their kernel, but I was wondering if there were any other
advantages to using modules vs. making a monolithic kernel for a
kernel to be used only on one machine (with no other hardware support
at all)?

Thanks, and sorry if I'm being slightly off topic...
Kernels are fun!  I wish I could learn more!
| Evan Thompson                    |            POWERED BY:            |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]               | Linux cd168990-a 2.4.0-ac2 #1 Fri |
| Freelance Computer Nerd          |  Jan 5 11:58:30 CST 2001 i686     |
| http://evaner.penguinpowered.com |   unknown                         |
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