Andi Kleen wrote:
Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

That usually means random memory corruption from somewhere -- dcache
tends to use a lot of memory and when it is corrupted anywhere these functions tend to crash while walking the lists.
Unfortunately memory corruption is hard to track down because
the messenger is usually not the one to blame.

Perhaps enable slab debugging and see if it turns
something up. Could be also broken hardware. Does an older kernel
run stable? If yes and if it can be reproduced bisecting would
be good.
I attempted bisecting - and failed. The problem is that
2.6.23rc7 seems very unstable, but 2.6.22rc4 is much better
but not perfect. 2.6.22rc4 only crashed once - it can compile for
hours and swap lots and keep running. But it died at least once.

I'll try running recent kernels with more debugging instead.
I think I used SLUB instead of SLAB - either way I can switch
that over to see if it changes things.

Helge Hafting

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