Le dim, 07 jan 2001 18:37:11, Greg KH a écrit :
> On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 02:04:40PM +0100, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

> >  Here is a patchlet to stop people searching for the
> > mysteriously hidden USB Mass Storage driver (in case they
> > didn't make the connection with SCSI at once like me).
> I wouldn't recommend this one.  If you do this, should we do the same
> for all of the other dependencies in the USB config section?  Like
> VIDEO, SOUND, and others?  That would make for a _big_ mess.

Well, it's certainly not the first patch of this kind to
make it into the USB config file (see input core), so if a
precedant was set, it wasn't by this patch. Do we need to do
this for every dependency ? I don't know, IMHO only for the
non obvious ones (and anyway, that's just a bit of
documentation, what's wrong with having more doc ?)

And the dependency between USB Mass Storage and SCSI support
is more than sufficiently obscure for the end-user to
justify this one. Comme on, who -- appart from the driver
developpers -- would think of it at once by itself ? I do
know I spent almost more time searching for the Mass Storage
driver option than writing/testing this patch, since I've
got a SCSI-less system.

Knowing that something requires VIDEO or SOUND, on the other
hand, do not requires deep knowledge of the driver sources.


Nicolas Mailhot

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