
I thought that might do it, it does seem to work. I edited the driver line in my xorg.conf
from nvidia to nv and then,
<alt><ctrl> F1
login as root
/etc/init.d/gdm stop
/etc/init.d/gdm start

It came back up with the same flashing crap on the second monitor, so I did it again with the 2nd monitor turned off altogether, and I'll see how long it will run on the single monitor
without the nvidia driver without crashing (maybe forever...).


Doug Whitesell (LKML) wrote:
On Oct 14, 2007, at 1:44 PM, Scott Petler wrote:


I'm not exactly sure how to go back to not using the nvidia driver and select the xorg one. I do know that I wasn't able to use both monitors with the xorg driver, but I'm willing to try that to isolate the problem.

If memory serves, you change your xorg.conf's "Device" section's "Driver" entry to read:
instead of

although I would consult the xorg documentation/your distribution's documentation (and back up your working xorg.conf) for specific details. (Your boot sequence may also automatically load the nvidia module, again, consult your distribution's documentation for details.)

Cheers/hope this helps,

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