Frans Pop 写道:
> Yi Yang wrote:
>> Hot Key    Function Description
>> =======    ====================
>>    0       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    1       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    2       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    3       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    4       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    5       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    6       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    7       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    8       Changing Loglevel to this value
>>    9       Changing Loglevel to this value
> Wouldn't "Change Loglevel to this value" be more consistent with other
> descriptions?
> Or maybe even "Change Kernel Loglevel to <value>"; the repeated "this
> value" seems somewhat silly.
I think so, too, only one line should be enough.
>>    b       Resetting
> This is not very descriptive. Maybe "Immediate System Reboot"?
>>    c       Trigger a crashdump
> Most descriptions are capitalized. So for consistency this should be
> "Trigger a Crashdump". (Although my personal preference would be to drop
> the capitalization for all descriptions.)
>>    p       Show Regs
> Should "Regs" be expanded to "Registers"?
>>   r       Keyboard mode set to XLATE
> For consistency: "Set Keyboard Mode to XLATE"
> Cheers,
> Frans Pop
These descriptions are from the callers who are from many subsystems, so
I can't change it.
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