
When suspending my laptop (Toshiba Satellite 1605CDS; BIOS set to
  suspend to disk) with Debian 2.2r2's 'apm -s', the screen blanks
  and then the system locks up hard (not even the power button works).
  In 2.2.17, 'apm -s' works properly, first blanking the screen (maybe
  twice), then (apparently) handing off to the BIOS.  It looks like 
  the handing off isn't reached in 2.4.0; the screen blanks, but 
  it never reaches the BIOS's 'Saving to Disk' screen.
Additionally (included because of the similar symptomology), when
  changing virtual consoles under 2.4.0 and running X (XFree86 3.3.6;
  from Debian 2.2r0), the screen blanks once again, but then the system
  lock up hard, exactly as above.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong or what needs to be fixed?  If
  I get some time in the next few days, I'll look at the code; but
  school's coming up and I have a lot of work to get done.
I can supply more information if you need it.

"I felt a great disturbance in the force.  As if a significant plot
  line suddenly cried out in terror... and was suddenly silenced."
                        -Torg in "Sluggy Freelance"
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