Ingo Molnar wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
>> Sure.  But sendfile is not one of the fundamental UNIX operations...
> Neither were eg. kernel-based semaphores. So what? Unix wasnt
> perfect and isnt perfect - but it was a (very) good starting
> point. If you are arguing against the existence or importance of
> sendfile() you should re-think, sendfile() is a unique (and
> important) interface because it enables moving information between
> files (streams) without involving any interim user-space memory
> buffer. No original Unix API did this AFAIK, so we obviously had to
> add it. It's an important Linux API category.

Ehh, that's not correct. HP-UX was the first to implement sendfile().
Linux (and other commercial unices) then copied the idea...

For the record, sendfile() exists because we (Zeus) asked HP for
it. (So of course we agree that sendfile is important!)


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