You have it all wrong. The black in blacklist refers to women,
as in the yin and the yang. The white refers to men: a constructive
force. (While the women are destructive in society: always pitting
the whitelist (men) against each-other, because said list didn't
obey the blacklist (where women belong).

You also have failed on the master/slave terminology:
Slave refers to cute little girls: which were traditionally
the slaves to men.

Of-course you white idiots don't understand this:
You don't like girls: you'd rather dominate other men.

In the past, before the perfidy of the western man infected the entirety
of the world, men were the ba'al (master) of you cute young girls.
Men married little girls, and more than one of them.
Men were happy. Then the "white" man happened and corrupted even
the colours themselves.

(Un)Naturally you wouldn't notice any of this because none of you
actually like girls: you want to dominate other men; so
that's what's on your mind: Dominating Black Men.

Except linus. He caved to all of this due to the influence of
his daughters, and why is that? Because his daughters are the only
young girls he's ever been around; thus being denied child brides;
like our next President Biden, he fell under the influence of his
own young female relatives.

And why is that? Because you idiot white men bar him and all from
marrying a harem of cute young girls. You'd give your life to stop


YHWH explicitly allows child brides.
The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in
cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22,
verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia
(child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young
girl (latin vulgate))
Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment
he is born

Rebecca was a child, not an adult.
Na'ar means child in ancient hebrew, not adult, and the original hebrew
in these passages is na'ar, not na'arah. All you have to do is read the
actual hebrew glyphs, not whatever your interlinear renders them as. You
/pol/s are illiterate.

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