On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 02:17:06PM -0700, Joe Perches wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-07-27 at 22:34 +0200, Lukas Bulwahn wrote:
> > On Mon, 27 Jul 2020, Nachiket Naganure wrote:
> > > On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 11:14:42PM -0700, Joe Perches wrote:
> > > > On Mon, 2020-07-27 at 11:24 +0530, Nachiket Naganure wrote:
> []
> > > > OK, but the test should be:
> > > > 
> > > >                       $line =~ /^\s*$signature_tags/ ||
> > > > 
> > > > so the line has to start with a signature and
> > > > it won't match on signature tags in the middle
> > > > of other content on the same line.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > But the suggested won't work in case of merged signatures.
> > > Such as "Reported-and-tested-by: u...@email.com"
> > > 
> > But Joe's remark is valid; we do not want to match on signature tags in 
> > the middle. These cases are probably mentioning signature tags as part of 
> > a sentence or some explanation.
> > 
> > Nachiket, think about a proper solution for this issue.
> Mostly the problem doesn't occur very often and likely
> isn't worth much effort.
> Combinations aren't common in git logs and arbitrary
> combinatorial logic isn't trivial.
> For the last million commits, only ~3000 have any combination
> and almost all of those are Reported-and-tested-by:
> Likely that could be added to $signature_tags and the problem
> just ignored.
> I'd still exempt signature lines from line length limits.
> $ git log -1000000 --no-merges --format=email | \
>   grep -P "^[\w_-]+-by:" | cut -f1 -d":" | \
>   sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | cat -n | grep -i and
>      7           2159 Reported-and-tested-by
>     11            255 Reported-and-Tested-by
>     12            203 Reviewed-and-tested-by
>     13            132 Reviewed-and-Tested-by
>     22             68 Reported-and-bisected-by
>     31             44 Acked-and-tested-by
>     40             21 Tested-and-Acked-by
>     41             20 Tested-and-acked-by
>     42             20 Reported-bisected-and-tested-by
>     49             17 Suggested-and-Acked-by
>     50             16 Tested-and-reported-by
>     51             16 Acked-and-Tested-by
>     52             15 Suggested-and-Tested-by
>     53             15 Suggested-and-acked-by
>     56             14 Tested-and-reviewed-by
>     58             13 Tested-and-Reviewed-by
>     61             12 Reported-and-acked-by
>     62             11 Reported-and-debugged-by
>     65             10 Reported-and-Acked-by
>     73              8 Suggested-and-reviewed-by
>     76              8 Reported-and-suggested-by
>     77              8 Reported-and-analyzed-by
>     79              8 Bisected-and-tested-by
>     81              7 Requested-and-tested-by
>     82              7 Reported-and-reviewed-by
>     91              6 Bisected-and-reported-by
>    104              4 Tested-and-Reported-by
>    111              4 Requested-and-Tested-by
>    125              3 Reported-by-and-Tested-by
>    127              3 Reported-And-Tested-by
>    128              3 Reported-and-requested-by
>    155              2 Suggested-and-tested-by
>    166              2 Reported-tested-and-acked-by
>    169              2 Reported-and-Suggested-by
>    170              2 Reported-and-by
>    201              2 Debugged-and-tested-by
>    232              1 Tested-by-and-Reviewed-by
>    234              1 Tested-And-Reviewed-by
>    235              1 Tested-and-requested-by
>    236              1 Tested-and-bugfixed-by
>    245              1 Suggested-and-Reviewed-by
>    265              1 Signed-off-and-morning-tea-spilled-by
>    284              1 Reviewed-and-wanted-by
>    285              1 Reviewed-and-discussed-by
>    286              1 Reviewed-and-Acked-by
>    287              1 Reviewed-and-acked-by
>    294              1 Requested-and-debugged-by
>    295              1 Requested-and-Acked-by
>    296              1 Requested-and-acked-by
>    301              1 Reportedy-and-tested-by
>    303              1 Reported-tested-and-fixed-by
>    304              1 Reported-tested-and-bisected-by
>    305              1 Reported-Reviewed-and-Acked-by
>    306              1 Reported-requested-and-tested-by
>    312              1 Reported-by-and-tested-by
>    313              1 Reported-Bistected-and-Tested-by
>    316              1 Reported-and_tested-by
>    317              1 Reported-and-Tested-and-Reviewed-by
>    318              1 Reported-and-tested-and-reviewed-by
>    319              1 Reported-and-test-by
>    320              1 Reported-and-root-caused-by
>    321              1 Reported-and-Reviwed-by
>    322              1 Reported-and-reviwed-by
>    323              1 Reported-and-Reviewed-by
>    324              1 Reported-and-Reviewed-and-Tested-by
>    325              1 Reported-and-isolated-by
>    326              1 Reported-and-introduced-by
>    327              1 Reported-and-Inspired-by
>    328              1 Reported-and-helped-by
>    329              1 Reported-and-fixed-by
>    330              1 Reported-and-diagnosed-by
>    331              1 Reported-and-Debugged-by
>    332              1 Reported--and-debugged-by
>    333              1 Reported-and-compile-tested-by
>    334              1 Reported-and-Bisected-by
>    335              1 Reported-and-Bisected-and-Tested-by
>    336              1 Reported-and-bisected_and_tested-by
>    337              1 Reported-and-bisected-and-tested-by
>    338              1 Reported-and-argued-for-by
>    339              1 Reported-analyzed-and-tested-by
>    340              1 Reported-Acked-and-Tested-by
>    343              1 Report-and-tested-by
>    344              1 Reporeted-and-tested-by
>    345              1 Repored-and-bisected-by
>    355              1 Pointed-out-and-tested-by
>    377              1 Original-Idea-and-Signed-off-by
>    383              1 Noticed-and-Acked-by
>    396              1 Modified-and-reviewed-by
>    434              1 Fix-creation-mandated-by
>    451              1 Discovered-and-analyzed-by
>    452              1 Diagnosed-and-Reported-by
>    456              1 Demanded-by
>    460              1 Debugged-and-analyzed-by
>    461              1 Debugged-and-acked-by
>    462              1 Cut-and-paste-bug-by
>    475              1 Catched-by-and-rightfully-ranted-at-by
>    484              1 Bitten-by-and-tested-by
>    485              1 Bisected-reported-and-tested-by
>    486              1 Bisected-and-requested-by
>    487              1 Bisected-and-Reported-by
>    488              1 Bisected-and-acked-by
>    489              1 Binary file (standard input) matches
>    505              1 Analyzed-and-acked-by
>    509              1 Also-reported-and-tested-by
>    525              1 Acked-by-and-tested-by
>    527              1 Acked-and-reviewed-by
>    528              1 Acked-and-mourned-by
>    529              1 Acked-and-documention-added-by
>    530              1 Acked-and-appreciated-by
Thank you for the analysis. I think, I will send a new patch for the
modification that Joe suggested for now. Looking at the commits there
are tags(Bisected-,Discovered-,etc) which are not stored in the
$signature_tags. So I will keep the combination problem aside for now.

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