Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 10:57:03PM CEST, wrote:
>On Mon, 3 Aug 2020 16:14:42 +0200 Jiri Pirko wrote:
>> >devlink dev reload [ net-ns-respawn { PID | NAME | ID } ] [ 
>> >driver-param-init
>> >] [ fw-activate [ --live] ]  
>> Jakub, why do you prefer to have another extra level-specific option
>> "live"? I think it is clear to have it as a separate level. The behaviour
>> of the operation is quite different.
>I was trying to avoid having to provide a Cartesian product of
>operation and system disruption level, if any other action can
>be done "live" at some point.
>But no strong feelings about that one.
>Really, as long as there is no driver-specific defaults (or as 
>little driver-specific anything as possible) and user actions 
>are clearly expressed (fw-reset does not necessarily imply
>fw-activation) - the API will be fine IMO.

Clear actions, that is what I'm fine with.

But not sure how you think we can achieve no driver-specific defaults.
We have them already :/ I don't think we can easily remove them and not
break user expectations.

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