On Sun, 2007-11-04 at 08:11 -0800, Roland Dreier wrote:
> I had something similar recently, trying to access an SD card in the
> internal drive of my thinkpad X60.  Fortunately, the data wasn't
> actually corrupted, but when I tried to copy the picture files off the
> card, I saw garbage filenames in the picture directory, [...]

> When I put the same card back in the camera and used the camera's dock
> to access the data via USB mass storage, everything worked fine.  So
> it does seem to be at least somewhat MMC-related.

It is reproducible for me, too, with the 128Mbyte card. Full logs are


a rapid grep shows at boot: 

Nov  5 08:45:40 rukbat kernel: [   26.538165] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x 
writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Nov  5 08:45:40 rukbat kernel: [   38.456554] PM: Adding info for No Bus:mmc0
Nov  5 08:45:40 rukbat kernel: [   38.456634] mmc0: SDHCI at 0xd0100800 irq 16 

and when loading the card: 

Nov  5 09:21:14 rukbat kernel: [ 1632.002723] mmc0: new SD card at address e32f
Nov  5 09:21:14 rukbat kernel: [ 1632.002947] PM: Adding info for mmc:mmc0:e32f
Nov  5 09:21:14 rukbat kernel: [ 1632.024011] mmcblk0: mmc0:e32f SD128 
Nov  5 09:21:14 rukbat kernel: [ 1632.025327]  mmcblk0: p1
Nov  5 09:21:15 rukbat hald: mounted /dev/mmcblk0p1 on behalf of uid 1153

(I've trimmed away the spam by NetworkManager). 

and opening the folder in Nautilus:

Nov  5 09:21:43 rukbat kernel: [ 1654.235333] FAT: Filesystem panic (dev 
Nov  5 09:21:43 rukbat kernel: [ 1654.235893] FAT: Filesystem panic (dev 
Nov  5 09:21:43 rukbat kernel: [ 1654.235915] mmcblk0p1: rw=0, want=575135, 
...ad libitum.

and it's definitely a regression, the card is read under 2.6.23. I've
not a lot of time in my hands now, but maybe the next weekend I can try
a bisection...


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