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Matthias Juchem wrote:

> Hi there.
> I rewrote my previous bugreport.pl in bash. I would appreciate it if you
> had a look on this one. Run it once and give me feedback if you like.

Well it certantly works here. Almost everything is extracted correctly. I
could not btw test the ksymoops "feature" unfortunately.

What I did notice was the following.
This was checking "b) software" in the output file.

 GNU C                  2.96
 Modutils               2.4.1
 GNU make               3.79.1,
 Binutils               2.10.90
 Linux libc5 C Library  not found
 Linux libc6 C Library  2.2,
 Linux C++ library
 Dynamic linker         2.2
 Procps                 2.0.7
 Psmisc                 19
 Net-tools              1.56
 PPP                    command
 Sh-utils               2.0
 Util-linux             2.10m
 E2fsprogs              1.19,
 Bash                   2.04.11(1)-release

I do not have any PPP, and no kdb installed on that machine, neither do I
have procinfo. Shouldn't it say N/A or not found instead of the above? The
ppp part is not true ;-).

Other thing I thought about was the Ctrl-D thingy when entering text.
What if ppl don't have any text to enter? Shouldn't is say on each line
that if you don't have anything to write then just write N/A and press
Ctrl-D? Because pressing Ctrl-D directly doesn't do any good.

Sorry to just be a pain in the ass, and *very* sorry for not having the
time to make a patch for you :)

But you did a good job. I think this is really good for new kernel ppl.
This could be very appreciated!

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