On 2020-09-04 10:23:31 [+0200], To linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org wrote:
> For 64bit CONFIG_BASE_SMALL=0 systems PID_MAX_LIMIT is set by default to
> 4194304. During boot the kernel sets a new value based on number of CPUs
> but no lower than 32768. It is 1024 per CPU so with 128 CPUs the default
> becomes 131072 which needs six digits. 
> This value can be increased during run time but must not exceed the
> initial upper limit.
> Systemd sometime after v241 sets it to the upper limit during boot. The
> result is that when the pid exceeds five digits, the trace output is a
> little hard to read because it is no longer properly padded (same like
> on big iron with 98+ CPUs).
> Increase the pid padding to seven digits.



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