I got into a bragging game whose webserver is the fastest with Jim Nelson
one of the authors of the boa webserver. We finally settled on the Zeus
test to decide the battle.

First boa won hands down because it supports persistant connections. Boa
on port 6000. Khttpd on port 80:
clameter@melchi:~$ ./zb localhost /index.html -k -c 215 -n 20000 -p 6000
Server:                 Boa/
Doucment Length:        1666
Concurency Level:       215
Time taken for tests:   33.865 seconds
Complete requests:      20000
Failed requests:        0
Keep-Alive requests:    20001
Bytes transfered:       37882109
HTML transfered:        33321666
Requests per seconds:   590.58
Transfer rate:          1118.62 kb/s
Connnection Times (ms)
           min   avg   max
Connect:     0     2   346
Total:     258   360   485

clameter@melchi:~$ ./zb localhost /index.html -k -c 215 -n 20000
Server:                 kHTTPd/0.1.6
Doucment Length:        1666
Concurency Level:       215
Time taken for tests:   101.735 seconds
Complete requests:      20000
Failed requests:        0
Keep-Alive requests:    0
Bytes transfered:       37096378
HTML transfered:        33643204
Requests per seconds:   196.59
Transfer rate:          364.64 kb/s
Connnection Times (ms)
           min   avg   max
Connect:    36   438  1084
Total:     394  1070  2009

Then we decided to switch persistant connection off... But boa still wins.

clameter@melchi:~$ ./zb localhost /index.html -c 215 -n 20000 -p 6000
Server:                 Boa/
Doucment Length:        1666
Concurency Level:       215
Time taken for tests:   88.040 seconds
Complete requests:      20000
Failed requests:        0
Bytes transfered:       37352000
HTML transfered:        33528250
Requests per seconds:   227.17
Transfer rate:          424.26 kb/s
Connnection Times (ms)
           min   avg   max
Connect:     1   305  3417
Total:     458   932  4232

This shows the following problems with khttpd:

1. Connect times are on average longer than boa. Why???

2. Transfers also take longer,

What is wrong here? I would expect transferates of a 3-4 megabytes over a
localhost interface. The file is certainly in some kind of cache.

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