On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 03:57:53PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a rather nasty situation developing on one of the big 24x7 
> production database servers. It seems that a batch of drives in one of the
> servers started to fail. 
> The file servers are ext3fs on a top of raid-0 over a pair of raid-1 mirrors, 
> with each of raid-1 mirrors having two drives. The issue is that all four 
> drives are developing errors. 
> Is there a way to determine what files are affected if I know the LBA# of the
> errors on individual drives?
> It is running under 2.6.20.x series of kernels.

Most likely debugfs can tell you what filesystem block is used by a file
and which file is using a given filesystem block, although you would
still have to translate the disk block number through the raid layers
and partitions to find where it is relative to the begining of the
partition the filesystem is on.

Len Sorensen
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