
> > In particular, using this functionality, user is able to push out
> > "hot" files on any high-performance device (e.g. proxy device) and pin
> > them there.

What permissions are normally required for file migration?

> > COMMENT. After ioctl successful completion the file is not necessarily
> > written to the target device! To make sure of it, call fsync(2) after
> > successful ioctl completion, or open the file with O_SYNC flag before
> > migration.


> > COMMENT. File migration is a volume operation (like adding, removing a 
> > device to/from 
> > a logical volumes), and all volume operations are serialized. So, any 
> > attempt to 
> > migrate a file, while performing other operation on that volume will fail. 
> > If some 
> > file migration procedure fails (with EBUSY, or other errors), or was 
> > interrupted by 
> > user, then it should be repeated in the current mount session. File 
> > migration 
> > procedures interrupted by system crash, hared reset, etc) should be 
> > repeated in the 
> > next mount sessions.

Dunno. Returning -EBUSY is kind of "interesting" there. I'd expect kernel to 
the callers, because userland can't really do that easily.

Best regards,

(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) 

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