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Best wishes
Kristoffer Ericson

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 23:33:21 +0100
Tilman Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So I've watched Linus' Google Tech Talk about git and let him convince
> me that I've been stupid to use CVS, that Subversion is even worse,
> and the only sensible approach is to use git. Went ahead and tried to
> convert my driver development to git.
> It didn't work too well. The first result was one of maximal
> embarrassment: I produced a patch that didn't even compile when
> applied to the official tree. This shouldn't happen with git, right?
> Well, it did. So now I'm back to keeping a virgin kernel source tree
> alongside my development area in order to produce diffs. That can't
> be right?
> Obviously I'm still being stupid. (Probably an aftereffect of using
> CVS for too long.) But where do I turn for guidance? I read all the
> docs and READMEs I could find, but I still don't understand why GIT
> doesn't produce the results I need, and what to do differently.
> Does somebody have a step by step tutorial for doing the standard
> "edit - test - modify - retest - submit - edit - resubmit" sequence
> with GIT? Is there a GIT newsgroup or mailinglist? Or should I just
> post my silly questions to LKML?
> -- 
> Tilman Schmidt                          E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Bonn, Germany
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