Dear Friend,

  I am glad to know you, but God knows you better and he knows why he
has directed me to you at this point in time so do not be surprised at
all. My name is Mrs. Donna Louise McInnes, a widow, i have been
suffering from ovarian cancer disease. At this moment i am about to
end the race like this because the illness has gotten to a very bad
stage, without any family members and no child. I hope that you will
not expose or betray this trust and confidence that I am about to
entrust to you for the mutual benefit of the orphans and the less
privileged ones. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband,
the sum of ($11.000.000 Eleven million dollars.) deposited in the
Bank.  Having known my present health status, I decided to entrust
this fund to you believing that you will utilize it the way i am going
to instruct herein.

Therefore I need you to assist me and reclaim this money and use it
for Charity works, for orphanages and giving justice and help to the
poor, needy and to promote the words of God and the effort that the
house of God will be maintained says The Lord." Jeremiah 22:15-16.“

It will be my great pleasure to compensate you with 35 % percent of
the total money for your personal use, 5 % percent for any expenses
that may occur during the international transfer process while 60% of
the money will go to the charity project.

All I require from you is sincerity and the ability to complete God's
task without any failure. It will be my pleasure to see that the bank
has finally released and transferred the fund into your bank account
therein your country even before I die here in the hospital, because
of my present health status everything needs to be processed rapidly
as soon as possible. I am waiting for your immediate reply, if only
you are interested for further details of the transaction and
execution of this charitable project.

Best Regards your friend Mrs.
Donna Louise McInnes.
  • Hello, Donna Louise

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