WANG Cong wrote:
>> +static inline unsigned int sdb_hash(const char *str)
>> +{
>> +        unsigned int hash = 0;
>> +        int c;
>> +
>> +        while ((c = *str++))
> Maybe ` while ((c = *str++) != '\0') ` is better. ;)

Yeah, probably.  That hash function is copied & pasted mindlessly from web.

>> +            hash = c + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash;
>> +
>> +        return hash;
>> +}
>> +
>> +int main(int argc, char **argv)
>> +{
>> +    unsigned int nr_entries = 0;
>> +    struct hash_ent **hash_tbl;
>> +    char line[10240];
> Needs to #define the magic number?

Or maybe write a wrapper function around fgets() to detect long lines

>> +            while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
>> +                    int len = strlen(line);
> strlen returns 'size_t', which is unsigned.

It's capped by the magic number above but yeah size_t would be better.

> I think, you forgot to free(3) the memory you calloc(3)'ed and
> malloc(3)'ed above.

It's a simple program where whole body is in main().  Why bother?
What's the benefit of adding hash-table iterating free logic?

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