On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 1:35 AM Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulni...@google.com> wrote:
> I'll help you paint your bikeshed. Oh, but what color?  I see a red
> door, and I want it painted black.
> Sounds to me like Miguel could win over a critic by addressing some of
> your (quite valid) concerns. ;)

I am happy to take the patch, but we need to at least enable other
features that were added meanwhile -- that is the advantage of
increasing the minimum!

If someone wants to take a look (wink, wink -- Joe, you are very
experienced with all the different styles used around the kernel and
would be great to have you on board with clang-format), they can use
the following list for starters.

There are a few important new features:
  - AlignConsecutiveMacros is probably one of the biggest one for the
kernel that we were missing so far.
  - IndentPPDirectives and AlignEscapedNewlines would be very good to
use too -- but the kernel style is not consistent AFAIK, so we would
need to decide.

Then there are a few others that pertain to us too:
  - SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets
  - SpacesInConditionalStatement
  - SpaceAfterLogicalNot
  - SpaceInEmptyBlock
  - IndentGotoLabels

Others are also worth checking to see if we can take advantage of them:
  - IncludeBlocks (and configuring IncludeCategories etc.)
  - StatementMacros

Then there are others that are not related to us, but to be consistent
we would explicitly set them in the file. Finally, for extra points,
we could already document the new ones in LLVM 11 if any, for the
future, but that is optional.

If no one is up for the task, I will eventually do it... :-)


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