Dear Friend

I believe this email meet you in good health can you assist me in securing 
USD$37.6 Million Dollars. You will be rewarded with 35% of the total sum for 
your partnership. Can you handle this? Your assistance and support is needed to 
transfer the Thirty Seven Million Six hundred Thousand US Dollars out of the 
Firm where I work, to your bank account in your Country.

This is an abandon sum and it belongs to our late customer Mr. Heidi salf 
al-islam, a Libya oil tycoon who died with his family as result of war in Libya 
on 31th of December 2010/2011. This fund was left unclaimed in custody of the 
Firm for safe keeping and without a beneficiary.

All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above mentioned sum 
and I will re-profile the Fund with your data, which will enable the Financial 
Firm transfer the sum to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to any 
continent that will safe for me and my family. The processing of the 
transaction will take up to 10 days for a successful completion of the fund 
transfer to your bank account. Immediately the fund is transferred to your bank 
account, I will come over to your country for sharing of the sum as agreed.

The transaction has to be concluded as soon and as I confirm your readiness to 
proceed with me, I will provide you with details.please get back to me through 
this email.(

My best regards,
 Mr Hassan Rouhani

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