fre, 07 12 2007 kl. 23:52 +0100, skrev Markus:
> Well, now some windows vanished, but no additional messages were 
> produced by kernel. When somebody could tell what I exactly need to 
> do... would be nice.
> Or a hit, in what direction I should look. Because its really nasty to 
> not being able to use a current kernel.
> I already rebuild the whole system, as suggested by the gentoo-devs, 
> without success.
> I could also try to debug/strace/whatever the apps and wait for it to 
> disappear.
> Just talk to me, I am not able to do this on my own...
If you feel like you are able to tell whether a specific kernel version
is buggy or not, you might want to try to bisect it. See
Documentation/BUG-HUNTING in the sources, and please ask.

Simon Holm Thøgersen

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