John Fremlin wrote:
>  "Albert D. Cahalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 1) top (procps-2.0.7) gives me the messages :
> > > 'bad data in /proc/uptime'
> > > 'bad data in /proc/loadavg'
> > > cat /proc/uptime
> > > 1435.30 904.74
> > > cat /proc/loadavg
> > > 0.01 0.21 0.29 1/17 19444
> > > What is wrong ?
> You probably have locale settings where the decimal point is a comma
> so scanf on /proc/loadavg etc. doesn't work. The following patch
> (submitted to RedHat ages ago) fixes that for me.

That's it. i persist in setting LANG=fr.

Thank you for the tip.

 Pierre Rousselet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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