
I'm looking to expose some information through a debugfs file, however I'm not 
entirely clear with the correct steps for file removal upon module unloading. 
I'm asking this because I would expect debugfs_remove() to wait until every 
open file has been closed when using debugfs_create_file (not 
debugfs_create_file_unsafe), as per debugfs_file_put() documentation:

 * Up to a matching call to debugfs_file_put(), any successive call
 * into the file removing functions debugfs_remove() and
 * debugfs_remove_recursive() will block.

Unfortunately it's not what I'm seeing when removing the module with one file 
kept open (leading to a page fault when eventually closing the file). So, is 
this the expected behaviour? If so, what is the right approach for waiting, 
inotify or fsnotify? Any suggestion on what the best pattern would be?

Thank you,

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