On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:21:44 +0530, Shourya Sarcar said:
> Marek Kierdelewicz wrote:
> > 
> > I'm a [EMAIL PROTECTED] user myself. This distro is very disk-demanding
> > because of the frequent compilations. In my opinion it's not the best
> > distro for a mobile system. No wonder your disk gave out :(.
> Can you substantiate "distro is very disk-demanding
> because of the frequent compilations" ?

As I understand it, the gentoo philosophy is 'update by patching the source,
then compiling it'.  So basically, the way the kernel is updated with a
"patch/make/make install", you apply *all* updates that way.  This can suck
if you have things like OpenOffice and Firefox on your machine, and you get
to recompile them to update. And even if you don't, all it takes is one update
to the wrong /usr/include file, and you end up recompiling 3/4 of the binaries
in /usr.

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