Dear Guoqing,

a colleague of mine was able to produce the issue inside a vm and were able to 
find a procedure to run the vm into the issue within minutes (not unreliably 
after hours on a physical system as before). This of course helped to pinpoint 
the problem.

My current theory of what is happening is:

- MD_SB_CHANGE_CLEAN + MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING are set by md_write_start() when file-system I/O wants 
to do a write and the array transitions from "clean" to "active". 

- Before raid5d gets to write the superblock (its busy processing active stripes 
because of the sync activity) , userspace wants to pause the check by `echo idle 
> /sys/block/mdX/md/sync_action`

- action_store() takes the reconfig_mutex before trying to stop the sync 
thread. ( 
Dump of struct mddev of email 1/19/21 confirms reconf_mutex non-zero.

- raid5d is running in its main loop. raid5d()->handle_active_stripes() returns a 
positive batch size ( ) although 
raid5d()->handle_active_stripes()->handle_stripe() doesn't process any stripe 
( ). This is the 
reason, raid5d is busy looping.

- raid5d()->md_check_recovery() is called by the raid5d main loop. One of its 
duties is to write the superblock, if a change is pending. However to do so, it 
needs either MD_ALLOW_SB_UPDATE or must be able to take the reconfig_mutex. 
( , Both is not 
true, so the superblock is not written and MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING is not cleared.

- (as discussed previously) the sync thread is waiting for the number of active 
stripes to go down and doesn't terminate. The userspace thread is waiting for 
the sync thread to terminate.

Does this make sense?

Just for reference, I add the procedure which triggers the issue on the vm 
(with /dev/md3 mounted on /mnt/raid_md3) and some debug output:

#! /bin/bash

        while true; do
                echo "start check"
                echo check > /sys/block/md3/md/sync_action
                sleep 10
                echo "stop check"
                echo idle > /sys/block/md3/md/sync_action
                sleep 2
) &

        while true; do
                dd bs=1k count=$((5*1024*1024)) if=/dev/zero 
of=/mnt/raid_md3/bigfile status=none
                sync /mnt/raid_md3/bigfile
                rm /mnt/raid_md3/bigfile
                sleep .1
) &

start="$(date +%s)"
cd /sys/block/md3/md
while true; do
        array_state=$(cat array_state)
        if [ "$array_state" = write-pending ]; then
        echo $(($(date +%s)-$start)) $(cat sync_action) $(cat sync_completed) 
$array_state $(cat stripe_cache_active)
        if [ $wp_count -ge 3 ]; then
                kill -- -$$
        sleep 1

The time, this needs to trigger the issue, varies from under a minute to one 
hour with 5 minute being typical. The output ends like this:

    309 check 6283872 / 8378368 active-idle 4144
    310 check 6283872 / 8378368 active 1702
    311 check 6807528 / 8378368 active 4152
    312 check 7331184 / 8378368 clean 3021
    stop check
    313 check 7331184 / 8378368 write-pending 3905
    314 check 7331184 / 8378368 write-pending 3905
    315 check 7331184 / 8378368 write-pending 3905

If I add

    pr_debug("XXX batch_size %d release %d mdddev->sb_flags %lx\n", batch_size, 
released, mddev->sb_flags);

in raid5d after the call to handle_active_stripes and enable the debug location 
after the deadlock occurred, I get

    [ 3123.939143] [1223] raid5d:6332: XXX batch_size 8 release 0 
mdddev->sb_flags 6
    [ 3123.939156] [1223] raid5d:6332: XXX batch_size 8 release 0 
mdddev->sb_flags 6
    [ 3123.939170] [1223] raid5d:6332: XXX batch_size 8 release 0 
mdddev->sb_flags 6
    [ 3123.939184] [1223] raid5d:6332: XXX batch_size 8 release 0 
mdddev->sb_flags 6

If I add

    pr_debug("XXX 1 %s:%d mddev->flags %08lx mddev->sb_flags %08lx\n", __FILE__, 
__LINE__, mddev->flags, mddev->sb_flags);

at the head of md_check_recovery, I get:

    [  789.555462] [1191] md_check_recovery:8970: XXX 1 drivers/md/md.c:8970 
mddev->flags 00000000 mddev->sb_flags 00000006
    [  789.555477] [1191] md_check_recovery:8970: XXX 1 drivers/md/md.c:8970 
mddev->flags 00000000 mddev->sb_flags 00000006
    [  789.555491] [1191] md_check_recovery:8970: XXX 1 drivers/md/md.c:8970 
mddev->flags 00000000 mddev->sb_flags 00000006
    [  789.555505] [1191] md_check_recovery:8970: XXX 1 drivers/md/md.c:8970 
mddev->flags 00000000 mddev->sb_flags 00000006
    [  789.555520] [1191] md_check_recovery:8970: XXX 1 drivers/md/md.c:8970 
mddev->flags 00000000 mddev->sb_flags 00000006

More debug lines in md_check_recovery confirm the control flow ( `if 
(mddev_trylock(mddev))` block not taken )

What approach would you suggest to fix this?


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