On 2/4/21 10:24 PM, Minchan Kim wrote:
On Thu, Feb 04, 2021 at 09:49:54PM -0800, John Hubbard wrote:
On 2/4/21 9:17 PM, Minchan Kim wrote:
# cat vmstat | grep -i cma
nr_free_cma 261718

# cat meminfo | grep -i cma
CmaTotal:        1048576 kB
CmaFree:         1046872 kB

OK, given that CMA is already in those two locations, maybe we should put
this information in one or both of those, yes?

Do you suggest something liks this, for example?

cat vmstat | grep -i cma
cma_a_success   125
cma_a_fail      25
cma_b_success   130
cma_b_fail      156
cma_f_fail      xxx

Yes, approximately. I was wondering if this would suffice at least as a 

cma_alloc_success   125
cma_alloc_failure   25

...and then, to see if more is needed, some questions:

a)  Do you know of an upper bound on how many cma areas there can be
(I think Matthew also asked that)?

b) Is tracking the cma area really as valuable as other possibilities? We can 
"a few" to "several" items here, so really want to get your very favorite bits 
information in. If, for example, there can be *lots* of cma areas, then maybe 
by a range of allocation sizes is better...

John Hubbard

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