On Tue, 09 Feb 2021 15:16:45 -0800
nnet <n...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> I've two of these and I've just swapped them (and re-pasted the heat sinks).
> The second one ran under load for awhile and now has frozen as well.
> Under a moderate load `wget -O /dev/null <large.bin>` @X00Mbits they are fine.
> Under a 1 min speed test of load ~200Mbits routed WireGuard they freeze.
> They fine with both those workloads @1000_800.
> Perhaps it's heat? Unfortunately I don't have any numbers on that ATM.

Try disabling cpufreq in kernel completely, compile boot image at
1200 MHz. If it continues freezing, then I fear we can't help you with
1200 MHz :(


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