
> QUEUE means to pass the packet to userspace (if supported by the kernel).

Looking at the code it seemed to do the same thing as the old netlink, but
with more complexity, to what end though, i couldnt tell, was only a brief

> $ sed -n -e '1874,1876p' /usr/src/linux-2.4.0/Documentation/Configure.help
>   Netfilter has the ability to queue packets to user space: the
>   netlink device can be used to access them using this driver.
> $ lynx /usr/share/doc/iptables/html/packet-filtering-HOWTO-7.html

Yeah, after some quick googling and freshmeating, i came accross a daemon
that picked up these QUEUEd packets and multiplexed them to various child
processes, which seemed very innefcient, the documentation said something
about QUEUE not being multicast in nature, like the old firewall netlink.

What was wrong with the firewall netlink? My re-implementation works great
here. I can't see why anything else would be needed, QUEUE seems twice as
complex. Unless with QUEUE the userspce applications can make decisions on
what to do with the packet? In which case, it would be far too inefficient
for an application like mine, where all i need is to be able to read the
IP datagrams..

Am I missing something totally obvious?


// Gianni Tedesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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