On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, Neil Brown wrote:

> freebsd-stable removed!  reiserfs gone. Who goes next:-? Alan?

The bugs, I hope.

> I stuffed up when I tried to interpret the error, but after much
> sensible correction, here is a patch.  Please try it, and suggest any
> other errs that should be tested for (or maybe we should invert the
> sense of the test, and test for error codes that ACCESS is allowed to
> return.

This looks better and it makes FreeBSD able to ls the directory, and on
touch /mnt/try, I get EROFS on the client, so this is okay; however, the
access reply does not include EXECUTE permissions which I find strange,
since the client lists this:

drwxrwxrwt  23 root  wheel  706 Jan  2 11:53 /mnt

Evidently, the directory has execution permissions for everyone.

Matthias Andree
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