Hi, Thomas,

On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 02:57:52PM +0100, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 20 2021 at 02:01, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 19 2021 at 21:50, Tony Luck wrote:
> >>>  What is the justifucation for making this rate limit per UID and not
> >>>  per task, per process or systemwide?
> >>
> >> The concern is that a malicious user is running a workload that loops
> >> obtaining the buslock. This brings the whole system to its knees.
> >>
> >> Limiting per task doesn't help. The user can just fork(2) a whole bunch
> >> of tasks for a distributed buslock attack..
> >
> > Fair enough.
> >
> >> Systemwide might be an interesting alternative. Downside would be 
> >> accidental
> >> rate limit of non-malicious tasks that happen to grab a bus lock 
> >> periodically
> >> but in the same window with other buslocks from other users.
> >>
> >> Do you think that a risk worth taking to make the code simpler?
> >
> > I'd consider it low risk, but I just looked for the usage of the
> > existing ratelimit in struct user and the related commit. Nw it's dawns
> > on me where you are coming from.
> So after getting real numbers myself, I have more thoughts on
> this. Setting a reasonable per user limit might be hard when you want to
> protect e.g. against an orchestrated effort by several users
> (containers...). If each of them stays under the limit which is easy
> enough to figure out then you still end up with significant accumulated
> damage.
> So systemwide might not be the worst option after all.


> The question is how wide spread are bus locks in existing applications?
> I haven't found any on a dozen machines with random variants of
> workloads so far according to perf ... -e sq_misc.split_lock.

We have been running various tests widely inside Intel (and also outside)
after enabling split lock and captured a few split lock issues in firmware,
kernel, drivers, and apps. As you know, we have submitted a few patches to
fix the split lock issues in the kernel and drivers (e.g. split lock
in bit ops) and fixed a few split lock issues in firmware.

But so far I'm not aware of any split lock issues in user space yet.
I guess compilers do good cache line alignment good job to avoid this
issue. But inline asm in user apps can easily hit this issue (on purpose).

> What's the actual scenario in the real world where a buslock access
> might be legitimate?

I did a simple experiment: looping on a split locked instruction on
one core in one user can slow down "dd" command running on another core
in another user by 7 times. A malicious user can do similar things to
slow down the whole system performance, right?

> And what's the advice, recommendation for a system administrator how to
> analyze the situation and what kind of parameter to set?
> I tried to get answers from Documentation/x86/buslock.rst, but ....

Can I change the sleep code in the handle_bus_lock() to the following?

               while (!__ratelimit(&global_bld_ratelimit))
                       usleep_range(1000000 / bld_ratelimit,
                                    1000000 / bld_ratelimit);

Maybe the system wide bus lock ratelimit can be set to default value
1000,000/s which is also the max ratelimit value.

The max sleep in the kernel is 1 us which means max bld_ratelimit
can be up to 1000,000.

If the system administrator think bus locks are less tolerant and wants
to throttle bus lock further, bld_ratelimit can be set as a smaller number.
The smallest bld_ratelimit is 1.

When I gradually decreases bld_ratelimit value, I can see less bus locks
can be issued per second systemwide and "dd" command or other memory
benchmarks are less impacted by the bus locks.

If this works, I will have the buslock.rst doc to explain the situation
and how to set the parameter.



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