On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 13:39:38 -0800
Linus Torvalds <torva...@linux-foundation.org> wrote:

> I don't understand why your still insist on this pointless open wrapper.

I just liked the consistency of it.

> Just do this all at iterate time. No open wrappers. No nothing. Just
> iterate over the days structures your have.
> IOW, instead of iterating in open to create the array, just iterate in -
> look, it's in the *name* for chrissake - iterate_shared.
> No array. No random allocation for said array.
> If you can iterate at open time, you can iterate at iterate_shared time.
> Stop creating a list that your already have.
> And nobody cares if you do a readdir at the same time as modifying the
> directory. This isn't a real filesystem with strict POSIX semantics.

OK, I can do that.

-- Steve

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