
At 01:06 AM 25/01/2001 -0800, David S. Miller wrote:
>Juri Haberland writes:
>  > Forget it. I mailed them and this is the answer:
>  >
>  > "As ECN is not a widely used internet standard, and as Cisco does not
>  > have a stable OS for their routers that accepts ECN, anyone attempting
>  > to access our site through a gateway or from a computer that uses ECN
>  > will be unable to do so."
>The interesting bit is the "Cisco does not have a stable OS..." part.

Cisco _routers_ don't care whether packets have ECN set or not.

>I've been told repeatedly by the Cisco folks that a stable supported
>patch is available from them for their firewall products which were
>rejecting ECN packets.

nothing has changed since before --
both the cisco PIX and cisco LocalDirector didn't used to function 
correctly with ECN bits set.

both were fixed less than a week after a bug was opened and both have 
updates available for download ...
that was many many months ago ..

i wonder if some folk are being too quick to point the finger at just one 
vendor.  did some versions of solaris have problems with ECN too?

>I'd really like Cisco to reaffirm this and furthermore, and
>furthermore get in contact with and correct the hotmail folks
>if necessary.

if Juri can forward me (privately) the details of the hotmail person that 
said the above, i'd be happy to ensure that it is resolved ..

>I have in fact noticed that some sites that did have the problem have
>installed the fix and are now accessible with ECN enabled.

good to hear.


NB. some cisco routers may start adding the ability to set ECN to indicate 
congestion too  ...

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