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Date sent:              Thu, 25 Jan 2001 23:20:42 -0500 (EST)
From:                   "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     NightHawk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Re: ALi Datasheets

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, NightHawk wrote:

>sorry to disturb...
>I'm looking for datasheets for ALi1621 & 1533 chipset. I found your email in
>one linux conference. Specificaly I need some description of PCI config.
>registers for these PCI devs: (something like *.PCR files would be very
>useful - see www.h- oda.com) 1621 host bridge 5247 PCI-PCI bridge 5229 IDE
>1533 ISA bridge

Sorry.. I don't have them anymore. If you ask on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for the sheets, I'm sure someone
there will send them to you though.

Good luck.

Mike A. Harris                  Mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer             190 Pittsburgh Ave.
Red Hat Inc.                    Sault Ste. Marie,
(705)949-2136                   Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3

Please Help...

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Zdravi NightHawk
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