>>>>> "MBT" == Michael B Trausch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 MBT> I've been using this driver and this hardware since I started
 MBT> running Kernel 2.2.16.  It _works_, however, whenever I have a
 MBT> program that I compile that's especially large (the kernel,
 MBT> glibc, etc.), or copy/move lots of files around, the driver
 MBT> starts to fuzz lots of the sound going to the card - even after
 MBT> the activity causing the load has stopped.  It happens in both
 MBT> the left and the right channel, and the only way to resolve it
 MBT> is to kill the process with /dev/dsp open (typically mpg123),
 MBT> and then start it again.

FWIW, I too was having this kind of problem.  When I starting living
on 2.4.x kernels the problem went away.  Also gone were sound dropping
out when I busied my machine with compiles things.

Of course, I'm omitting the irrelevant detail of the absence of the
pci_enable_dev() call 2.4.0-testX where X<12 which caused the driver
to not work at all.
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