On Mon, Jan 29 2001, David Ford wrote:
> kernel 2.4.0-ac12
> # ps -eo user,pid,args,wchan|egrep "imap|update|procmail"
> root         7 [kupdate]        get_request_wait
> david      627 imapd            get_request_wait
> david      752 procmail -f linu down
> david      761 procmail -f linu down
> david      799 procmail -f linu down
> david      854 procmail -f linu down
> david      886 procmail -f linu down
> david      847 imapd            get_request_wait
> david     1079 procmail -f linu down
> david     3280 imapd            interruptible_sleep_on_locked
> david     3321 imapd            interruptible_sleep_on_locked
> and the cpu load is artificially inflated to 9.17

Which patch specifically?

Jens Axboe
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