On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Tim Hockin wrote:
> In reading the PIRQ specs, and making it work for our board, I thought
> about this.  PIRQ states that link is chipset-dependant.  No chipset that I
> have seen specifies what link should be.  So, as this case demonstrates, it
> may be 'A' - the value the chipset expects, or 1, the logical index.
> Either one makes sense, assuming the PIRQ routing code knows what link
> means.  Here we see two BIOS vendors/versions that apparently do it
> differently for the same chipset.    Grrr.

They _may_ do the same thing for the same chipset, it's just that we don't
know exactly what that "same" thing is.

Ok, I want to see what people have. ANYBODY who has a SiS chipset, please
take 5 seconds to do this as root (yes, you need to be root):

        dump_pirq | mail -s "dump_pirq" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and I'm attaching the "dump_pirq" perl script here in this email so that
you don't even have to go to the bother of finding it on the net.

Oh, before you bombard me with email, please check that dump_pirq actually
prints out a PIRQ table. If it says

        No PCI interrupt routing table was found.

followed by a router dump, it's not interesting, and I'd rather not get
a million of those particular emails, ok?

In fact, even if you don't have a SiS chipset, you could do the above. The
exception to that rule is if you have an Intel PIIX router, in which case
we pretty much _know_ that we do the right thing already. 

(And _please_ don't make the subject line anything fancy. I want that
subject line to be "dump_pirq" and nothing else, ok?)

# dump_pirq 1.20 2000/12/19 19:19:52
# A utility to parse the BIOS PCI IRQ Routing Table
# Copyright (C) 2000 David A. Hinds -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


sub dev {
    my($devfn) = @_;
    sprintf "%02x.%d", ($devfn>>3), ($devfn&7);

sub print_mask
    my($mask) = @_;
    printf "0x%04x [", $mask;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
        next if (!($mask & (1<<$i)));
        $mask &= ~(1<<$i);
        print (($mask) ? "$i," : "$i");
    print "]\n";

sub row {
    my($tag, $link, $mask) = @_;
    if ($link != 0) {
        printf "  INT$tag: link 0x%02x, irq mask ", $link;

sub class_of
    my($slot) = @_;
    open(IN, "/sbin/lspci -s $slot |");
    $_ = <IN>;
    return (/^....... ([^:]+):/) ? $1 : "";

sub parse_pirq
    my($buf) = @_;

    my($p) = index($buf, "\$PIR");
    my($minor,$major,$size,$rbus,$rdev,$mask,$cvd,$mini) =
        unpack "CCSCCSLL", substr($buf, $p+4, 16);

    printf "Interrupt routing table found at address 0xf%04x:\n", $p;
    printf "  Version $major.$minor, size 0x%04x\n", $size;
    printf "  Interrupt router is device %02x:%s\n", $rbus, dev($rdev);
    print "  PCI exclusive interrupt mask: ";
    if ($cvd) {
        printf("  Compatible router: vendor 0x%04x device 0x%04x\n",
               ($cvd & 0xffff), ($cvd >> 16));

    $ofs = 32;
    while ($ofs < $size) {
        # Parse a table entry describing a single PCI device
        ($bus, $devfn, $la, $ma, $lb, $mb, $lc, $mc, $ld, $md, $slot) =
            unpack "CCCSCSCSCSC", substr($buf, $p+$ofs, 15);
        $s = sprintf "%02x:%s", $bus, dev($devfn);
        printf "\nDevice $s (slot $slot): %s\n", class_of($s);
        row("A", $la, $ma); row("B", $lb, $mb);
        row("C", $lc, $mc); row("D", $ld, $md);
        push(@{$dev{$la}}, $s . "1");
        push(@{$dev{$lb}}, $s . "2");
        push(@{$dev{$lc}}, $s . "3");
        push(@{$dev{$ld}}, $s . "4");
        $ofs += 16;
    return ($rbus, $rdev, $cvd);


# The link values in the interrupt routing table are implementation
# dependent.  Here, we'll try to interpret the link values for some
# known PCI bridge types.

%pIIx = (0x122e8086, "82371FB PIIX",
         0x70008086, "82371SB PIIX3",
         0x71108086, "82371AB PIIX4/PIIX4E",
         0x71988086, "82443MX",
         0x24108086, "82801AA ICH",
         0x24208086, "82801AB ICH0",
         0x24408086, "82801BA ICH2",
         0x244c8086, "82801BAM ICH2-M");

%via = (0x05861106, "82C586",
        0x05961106, "82C596",
        0x06861106, "82C686");

%opti = (0xc7001045, "82C700");

%pico = (0x00021066, "PT86C523");

%ali = (0x153310b9, "Aladdin M1533");

%sis = (0x04961039, "85C496/497",
        0x00081039, "85C503");

%cyrix = (0x01001078, "5530");

%all_routers = (%pIIx, %via, %opti, %pico, %ali, %sis, %cyrix);

sub outb
    my($data,$port) = @_;
    open(IO, ">/dev/port") || die;
    sysseek(IO, $port, 0) || die;
    my $x = pack "C", $data;
    syswrite(IO, $x, 1);

sub inb
    my($port) = @_;
    open(IO, "/dev/port") || die;
    sysseek(IO, $port, 0) || die;
    sysread(IO, $data, 1);
    return unpack "C", $data;

sub dump_router
    my($rbus, $rdev, $cvd) = @_;
    my($buf, @p, $i, $irq);

    printf "\nInterrupt router at %02x:%s: ", $rbus, dev($rdev);
    $rf = sprintf "/proc/bus/pci/%02x/%s", $rbus, dev($rdev);
    open(IN, $rf);
    if (sysread(IN, $buf, 0x100) != 0x100) {
        print "\nCould not read router info from $rf.\n";
    my $vd = unpack "L", substr($buf, 0, 4);

    if ((defined $pIIx{$vd}) || (defined $pIIx{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $pIIx{$vd}) ? $pIIx{$vd} : $pIIx{$cvd};
        printf "Intel $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        @p = unpack "CCCCC", substr($buf, 0x60, 5);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            printf "  PIRQ%d (link 0x%02x): ", $i+1, 0x60+$i;
            print (($p[$i] < 16) ? "irq $p[$i]\n" : "unrouted\n");
        print "  Serial IRQ:";
        print (($p[4] & 0x80) ? " [enabled]" : " [disabled]");
        print (($p[4] & 0x40) ? " [continuous]" : " [quiet]");
        print " [frame=", (($p[4] >> 2) & 15) + 17, "]";
        print " [pulse=", (($p[4] & 3) * 4 + 4), "]\n";
        print "  Level mask: "; print_mask((inb(0x4d1)<<8) + inb(0x4d0));

    } elsif ((defined $via{$vd}) || (defined $via{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $via{$vd}) ? $via{$vd} : $via{$cvd};
        printf "VIA $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        $p = unpack "L", substr($buf, 0x55, 4);
        %tag = (1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C", 5, "D");
        foreach $link (1,2,3,5) {
            $irq = ($p >> ($link * 4)) & 15;
            print "  PIRQ$tag{$link} (link 0x0$link): ";
            print ($irq ? "irq $irq\n" : "unrouted\n");

    } elsif ((defined $opti{$vd}) || (defined $opti{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $opti{$vd}) ? $opti{$vd} : $opti{$cvd};
        printf "OPTi $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        $p = unpack "S", substr($buf, 0xb8, 2);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            $irq = ($p >> ($i * 4)) & 15;
            printf "  PCIRQ$i (link 0x%02x): ", ($i<<4)+0x02;
            print ($irq ? "irq $irq\n" : "unrouted\n");

    } elsif ((defined $pico{$vd} || defined $pico{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $pico{$vd}) ? $pico{$vd} : $pico{$cvd};
        printf "PicoPower $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        outb(0x10, 0x24); $p = inb(0x26);
        outb(0x11, 0x24); $p += inb(0x26)<<8;
        @tag = ("A", "B", "C", "D");
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            $irq = ($p >> ($i * 4)) & 15;
            print "  INT$tag[$i] (link 0x0", $i+1, "): ";
            print ($irq ? "irq $irq\n" : "unrouted\n");

    } elsif ((defined $ali{$vd} || defined $ali{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $ali{$vd}) ? $ali{$vd} : $ali{$cvd};
        printf "AcerLabs $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        $p = unpack "L", substr($buf, 0x48, 4);
        # This mapping is insane!
        @map = (0, 9, 3, 10, 4, 5, 7, 6, 1, 11, 0, 12, 0, 14, 0, 15);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
            $irq = ($p >> ($i*4)) & 15;
            print "  INT", $i+1, " (link ", $i+1, "): ";
            print ($map[$irq] ? "irq $map[$irq]\n" : "unrouted\n");
        $s = unpack "C", substr($buf, 0x70, 1);
        print "  Serial IRQ:";
        print (($s & 0x80) ? " [enabled]" : " [disabled]");
        print (($s & 0x40) ? " [continuous]" : " [quiet]");
        print " [frame=", (($s >> 2) & 15) + 17, "]";
        print " [pulse=", (($s & 3) * 4 + 4), "]\n";

    } elsif ((defined $sis{$vd}) || (defined $sis{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $sis{$vd}) ? $sis{$vd} : $sis{$cvd};
        printf "SiS $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        $base = ($name eq "85C496/497") ? 0xc0 : 0x41;
        @p = unpack "CCCC", substr($buf, $base, 4);
        @tag = ("A", "B", "C", "D");
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            $irq = ($p[$i] & 0x80) ? 0 : ($p[$i] & 0x0f);
            printf "  INT$tag[$i] (link 0x%02x): ", $i+$base;
            print ($irq ? "irq $irq\n" : "unrouted\n");

    } elsif ((defined $cyrix{$vd}) || (defined $cyrix{$cvd})) {

        $name = (defined $cyrix{$vd}) ? $cyrix{$vd} : $cyrix{$cvd};
        printf "CYRIX $name PCI-to-ISA bridge\n";
        $p = unpack "S", substr($buf, 0x5c, 2);
        %tag = ("A", "B", "C", "D");
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            $irq = ($p >> ($i * 4)) & 15;
            printf "  PIRQ$tag{$i} (link 0x%02x): ", $i+1;
            print ($irq ? "irq $irq\n" : "unrouted\n");

    } else {

        printf("unknown vendor 0x%04x device 0x%04x\n",
               ($vd & 0xffff), ($vd >> 16));
        foreach $k (sort keys %dev) {
            next if ($k == 0);
            printf "  PIRQ? (link 0x%02x): ", $k;
            $irq = 0;
            foreach $d (@{$dev{$k}}) {
                $d =~ /(..):(..)\..(.)/;
                ($bus,$dev,$pin) = ($1,$2,$3);
                for ($fn = 0; $fn < 8; $fn++) {
                    open(IN, "/proc/bus/pci/$bus/$dev.$fn") || last;
                    sysread(IN, $buf, 0x100);
                    ($i,$p) = unpack "CC", substr($buf, 0x3c, 2);
                    $irq = $i if (($p == $pin) && $i && ($i != 255));
            print ($irq ? "irq $irq\n" : "unrouted?\n");



# Grab the BIOS from 0xf0000-0xfffff
open(IN, "/dev/mem") || die "cannot open /dev/mem\n";
sysseek(IN, 0xf0000, 0) || die;
die if (sysread(IN, $buf, 0x10000) != 0x10000);

if (index($buf, "\$PIR") >= 0) {

    # Dump the PIRQ table, and the router information
    ($rbus, $rdev, $cvd) = parse_pirq($buf);
    dump_router($rbus, $rdev, $cvd);

} else {

    # Scan for any interrupt router device we recognize
    print "No PCI interrupt routing table was found.\n";
    open(DEV, "/proc/bus/pci/devices");
    while (<DEV>) {
        ($rbus,$rdev,$vd) = /^(..)(..)\s+(........)/;
        $rbus = hex($rbus); $rdev = hex($rdev); $vd = hex($vd);
        $vd = (($vd & 0xffff0000) >> 16) | (($vd & 0xffff) << 16);
        if (defined $all_routers{$vd}) {
            dump_router($rbus, $rdev, $vd);
    print "\nNo known PCI interrupt routers were found.\n" if (!$nr);


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