On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Matthew Gabeler-Lee wrote:

> These errors all occur in the same way (as near as I can tell) in
> kernels 2.4.0 and 2.4.1, using bttv drivers 0.7.50 (incl. w/ kernel),
> 0.7.53, and 0.7.55.
> I am currently using 2.4.0-test10 with bttv 0.7.47, which works fine.
> I have sent all this info to Gerd Knorr but, as far as I know, he hasn't
> been able to track down the bug yet.  I thought that by posting here,
> more eyes might at least make more reports of similar situations that
> might help track down the problem.

Try flipping the card into a different slot. A lot of the cards
exceptionally do not like IRQ/DMA sharing, and a lot of the motherboards
share them between different slots.

-- John E. Jasen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- In theory, theory and practise are the same. In practise, they aren't.

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