On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 11:55:25PM -0800, David Raufeisen wrote:
> On Wednesday, 31 January 2001, at 08:36:42 (+0100),
> Vojtech Pavlik wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > 1) You don't seem to have any drives on the VIA controller. If this is
> > true, I don't think this can be a VIA IDE driver problem.
> >
> Hi, Are you referring to Mark or me?

I was referring to David D.W. Downey, the one who started this thread.
He was in the To: fiels, you and Mark were in Cc:

> > 2) In your original message you suggest bs=1024M, which isn't a very
> > good idea, even on a 768 MB system. Here with bs=1024k it seems to run
> > fine.
> >
> > 3) You sent next to none VIA related debugging info. lspci -v itself
> > isn't much valuable because I don't get the register contents. Also
> > hdparm -i of the drives attached to the VIA chip would be useful. Plus
> > also the contents of /proc/ide/via.
> I didn't supply anything either, even though my configuration works great it
> might prove useful to someone comparing:

Sorry, this message indeed was directed to someone else. Thanks for your
info, anyway, it's always useful to have some positive evidence that the
thing does work for people.

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs
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